[Animeclub] AB Reminder + List (+ Lineup Catchup)

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Mon Feb 16 14:02:14 EST 2015


Heyyyy Guys, 

So! This is an email containing the list of confirmed AB attendees so
far. If you have sent an email but don't see your name here, send
another! Gabriella's brain is walnut-sized, so you'll have to give her a
break on this one. 

If you've realized that you can't come, feel free to send a drop notice
as well! Just remember that both signups and drops for our club both
close on February 20th, this Friday! If you don't let us know about
dropping on that day (by 2pm at the latest!), you'll owe the CLA your
$55 reg ticket price. :C And that's no good. 

Anyway! The list so far is as follows... 

 	* Matt Wysocki (who needs to send us his info if he's reading this!!
 	* Meghan Straus
 	* Lisette Medina
 	* Gabriella Oddo
 	* Wenell St. Hill
 	* Caroline Belge
 	* Jesse Carreno
 	* Jesenia Cruz
 	* Andrew Borchert-Isaacs
 	* Josefine Eilertsen
 	* Chandra Hughes
 	* Paige Ruggles
 	* Bryan Prieto
 	* Isabella van Ingen
 	* Sofia Arnold
 	* Quinn Roberts
 	* David Rainville
 	* Mike Merzel
 	* Konstantin Kahl
 	* Keith Schwartz-Zicklin
 	* Gabriela Chamberlin-Palaia

And that's it so far! Our cap is 25, and we're at a solid 21. There are
still a few spots available, if you're considering it! Just remember to
get in all signups and drops by the 20th, this Friday. 

Also! Some of you requested a catchup list for the lineup, since you
couldn't make meetings lately. So, here's a list of what we're watching,
and how far we are right now! 

Keep in mind that each week, we watch 2 episodes of everything, and 4 of
FMA. So if you've missed two screenings, you'll need to watch 4 episodes
back, and if you've only missed one, watch 2 (with the exception of
FMA). Make sense? 

Here's what we're on, now... 

 	* Baccano! - ep. 5
 	* Magical Boy - ep. 5
 	* Mushi-shi - ep. 5
 	* FMA: B - ep. 45

Look at all those fives, dang. Very neat. 

If you have any questions, please do send an email! Otherwise, we hope
this is helpful, and look forward to seeing you Friday! Remember... it's
Game Show Night!! We'll be in FPH 107! 

Take care! 

- ★ ☆ Gabriella, Lisette, and Meghan ☆ ★ 

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