[Animeclub] AAC INFO + DRIVERS

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Sat Sep 20 21:01:30 EDT 2014


Hey guys, 

SO! This is a really important question -- how many of you are 

A) licensed drivers 


B) have personal vehicles/would be willing to drive a zipcar? 

At this point, I've just been told that our second van driver can't come
with us. Which means we are short one defensive driver. If there is
anyone else who could volunteer to drive, that would be wonderful. 

As of now, I am driving one van, and Grace has wonderfully volunteered
to drive a personal vehicle. Which means that 13 people are all set, and
we need one driver to drive the remaining 5. That being said, we need to
close registration right now as it is at 17 people. If there are special
circumstances or outlying requests, please notify a signer as soon as
possible. We have very limited time to finish the process, and those who
expressed interest over the past two weeks are the ones set to go. For
Anime Boston in the Spring, there will be more availability, and we will
have much more time to organize it in advance. :c We appreciate you
bearing with us through this mess. 

That being said, we still need the one additional driver -- if you have
a vehicle of your own or can reserve a zipcar, PLEASE email a signer
ASAP. I cannot stress this enough!! 

Thank you to all who volunteer!! 

- Gabriella 

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