[Animeclub] First Meeting FOLLOWUP!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Sat Sep 20 01:01:22 EDT 2014



Thank you all for a super great first meeting!!! We had lots of fun, and
hope you did too. There are just a few things that we've discussed,
after what happened tonight... 

 	* We're definitely going to try to have a much more concise and
thorough list of trigger warnings in the future. Jojo was a lot more
intense than many of us remembered, and although we did caution for
blood and gore, we're gonna try to be more clear as to just how bad
things can get in the future. If anyone was or is uncomfortable in the
future, PLEASE come talk to us. We are more than willing and capable of
helping you guys, and want this to be a fun experience for everybody. ;;
 	* AAC IS STILL VERY MUCH A THING! There are as of now 4 slots left to
go -- if you are a first year, you get priority at this time. If no more
first years want to go, we will open up more slots to upperclassmen and
those who didn't get to go last year. BUT if you are interested in
coming, please send an email to gno13 at hampshire.edu with your name and
your cell phone number! Very important!
 	* WAIVERS! If you haven't filled one out, please do so (everybody has
to)!!! Here's the link again:
 	* The order of the lineup will be changing for next time. We've
discussed it briefly so far, and for right now, our revised order is
going to be...

 	* Nozaki-kun
 	* Cowboy Bebop
 	* Kamigami
 	* FMA: Brotherhood
 	* Jojo

We'll see how it goes next time! I hope this order works out for us. If
not, it's still subject to change. 

And lastly, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR COMING, and thank you especially
to those of you who brought snacks! We didn't anticipate such
generosity, but we are very very grateful for it. We love you all


- Gabriella ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 

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