[Animeclub] WAIVERS!!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Mon Sep 15 17:15:05 EDT 2014



So! Remember how we sent out that link for waivers, but you couldn't
fill it out yet? WELL, here you go again! 


Please take a look there and be sure to follow the instructions for
filling out the waiver! If something goes wrong, please contact one of
us signers (lmm13, mes13, or gno13) and we'll be glad to help you out. 

This is SUUUUPER important for those of you who wanna go on trips, or
just generally attend club and eat pizza and all that fun stuff
(everybody has to fill one out, essentially). But ESPECIALLY for trips,
because trust me, you don't want to be running to the CLA/a wifi zone
the night before scrambling to fill out a form so you're allowed to go.
Thank you so much for doing this! 

Happy waiver-ing!!!! 

- Gabriella ❤ 

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