[Animeclub] This Week's Screening!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Mon Oct 20 18:30:01 EDT 2014


Hey Guys, 

First off, thanks to everybody who attended AAC!! It was a blast for us
and we certainly hope it was a blast for you too. Things went pretty
smoothly; this is the first trip we've booked as new signers, so we
appreciated your patience in every step of the process (and will
appreciate it in future events, too). We do what we can to make
everybody happy and have lots of fun. We look forward to booking Anime
Boston for the spring! 

Secondly, this week's screening falls on Family and Friends Weekend, so
we unfortunately had to forfeit the WLH. :C But! We decided to request
the Prescott Tavern as our meeting place... and decided to make it a
PAJAMA PARTY!! Yay! That means you should wear pjs, bring pillows and
blankets, whatever you want! 

We just submitted the event request form, so hopefully they'll get back
to us soon. If by some sad twist of fate we are denied the space and
projector we need, we will let you know ahead of time and move ourselves
somewhere else. BUT either way, there will be anime, pizza and pajamas. 

If you guys have any questions or concerns, please let us know! See you
soon! ;3 

- Gabriella ☆ 

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