[Asianmedia] Voice Actors Wanted

jab10 at hampshire.edu jab10 at hampshire.edu
Mon Jan 27 01:32:54 EST 2014

Hey fellow Anime Fans!!

My name is Jonathan Byron-Woodin. I am a Div III Student (final  
semester) who is working on producing the pilot episode of an original  
anime television series for my final project. I am writing this to let  
you know that I'll be holding  auditions for potential voice actors  
this coming Saturday and Sunday starting at 1:00pm. As this is a first  
time thing for me, obviously no prior experience for voice acting is  
required or expected, (though I imagine previous acting experience  
would be a helpful bonus). It will be an "Americanized Anime" so you  
don't need to know Japanese. (I've tried and failed to learn it  
myself.) Essentially, whoever likes to speak for there favorite  
(and/or all) characters while watching anime is welcome and encouraged  
to try out there voices! I am in the process of setting up my  
sponsorship so I can offer CEL-1 Credit for this as well.

If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to ask away via webmail  
or during the next screening of Asianmedia. whatever works! It should  
be lots of fun :)

Thanks for your consideration

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