[Asianmedia] Defensive Drivers? And car stuff

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Wed Jan 1 17:21:24 EST 2014

If anyone would like to be a defensive driver for Anime Boston [we have two
registered, gabi and annie, but it'd be cool to give them a break], the
next class that'll work is January 15th. Contact Carolyn in the CLA for the
email to contact- I believe it's at 9AM or 9:30 at the RCC and takes about
an hour and a half so i've been told? It's greatly beneficial, not just for
asian media, but for any class trip you go on that requires driving, and
zipcar will love you if you need to use them. you just have to take the
class once a year to retain status and i believe hampshire re-imburses gas
funds, or at least they do for hampshire vehicles!
For AB, we don't have to worry about gas, and I don't think the Zipcars
will either because the school fills them up :3

I'm trying to figure out that last car-Joe said he can drive, so if yer
reading this Joe, please register for Katsu! and let me know so i can
forward you the link to register you for zipcar. it doesn't cost
anything-the school has an account :3
 We still need to transfer Emma's information to take Izzy's spot, too ASAP
before prices rise! so let me know her info if anyone knows her or she's
reading this xD

*the don't freak out part hopefully things come together kunbaya: *right
now i'm depending on my friend's personal vehicle to take the remaining
people down [including myself, i dont want to take up a spot in the
zipcar]. we have like 15 spots in 3 zipcars driven by joe, annie and gabi
and...17 people I think? I'll double check the list. pam has notified me
that if this can't happen, i'll have to cut people from the trip-and that
is something i do *not* want to do whatsoever. so fingers crossed. IF, and
*IF* that happens they'd obviously get priority for AB to make it up to
them. so, fingers crossed, get your prayer group together-hoppeefullly this
works out.

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