[Asianmedia] Packing for katsucon snow

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Tue Feb 11 12:29:50 EST 2014


The con is still on, and we should be alright since we're leaving so early,
but srsly pray for safe travel and sacrifice at least 5 virgins.

Please dress in layers, pack a blanket or two, water bottles, food for the
car, etc!

also please bring cash for tolls/parking. it should be about 45 bucks a car
i think!
I'll be doing navigation in Gabi's car and the most important thing ever is
to try and *stay together*. My phone will be on, *please keep yours fully
charged.* Bring medication, hand warmers, I'm personally going down in
fucking fleece jammies.

Again, since we're leaving here at 7 in the morning, we shouldn't be in
much trouble once we hit somewhere like NJ.  apparently NJ clears their
roads pretty well? Our route ATM takes about 7 hours, 30 minutes. WHich
means if we leave at 7, on *that* time we'd get to the hotel at like,
3pmish and NOT be driving in the dark. This also allows us about 2 hours
before sunset if we get stuck in traffic or something.

DRIVERS! Can we meet up at Hampfest and talk about routes? I'll bring my
laptop to look at some and we can decide on two: route A being our default,
and route B being one that happens if we run into snow trouble.

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