[Asianmedia] AAC Update/hopefully correct list!

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Thu Sep 26 17:40:53 EDT 2013

Rooms are booked! We have 4 rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn.
This means about 4ish people per room, and there are 2 queen beds in each.
Be prepared to sleep on the floor! Beds can fit two people, three MAX

Secondly: I registered 11 people today, and will be doing the rest tomorrow
or Monday, including myself.
Here's who was registered *today*!

-Jonathan Byron-Woodin
Zach Mitnik
(Jesse) Jesenia Cruz
Pat Skarupa
Isabella Van Ingen
Keith Schwartz-Zicklin
Grace Kittredge
Matt Wysocki
Michael Merzel
Ivana yang

We are waiting on Winnie and Lani, and then we should be set!

Transport: Grace is taking the class...which if we get hit by a bolt of
extreme luck, may work out.
Micah has taken the class and is just waiting on certification. Currently
Kate Morris [previous signer and eternal babu] is taking four people in her
car. We'll work this out later. Marie has emailed Smith and MoHo to see
what zipcars they have available-this would mean bussing over xD And then
getting the zipcars. But! Butbutbut. They might have bigger cars, so keep
your fingers crossed!

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