[Asianmedia] CHANGE OF VENUE Screening Friday

ker10 at hampshire.edu ker10 at hampshire.edu
Wed Nov 7 12:25:57 EST 2012

Due to Event Services being confusing, we've lost the West Lecture  
Hall. We can nab it for this week, and possibly next week, but  
otherwise we need to grab ELH or FPH 103. Not the first time they  
screwed up! After that, we'll be in ELH for the rest of the semester,  
and next semester we should be in the West Lecture Hall again.

Basically, I was told to resubmit an ERF, and that cancelled out our  
reservation. Since they cant kick other groups out [BUT I CAN], we'll  
be vagabonding for a bit before settling in the WLH next semester.

THis friday-WLH, more than likely
Next: Either WLH or if its taken, 103
Every friday till the end of the semester: ELH

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