Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Mon Mar 26 13:48:17 EDT 2012

Please respond to this email if you are:

-Driving your own car [which would be nice, we don't have a lot of space]
-Staying with a friend during Anime Boston, and NOT with us.

We have people that need the room, and I need to know ASAP what is what. I'm
starting to get annoyed since frankly, a lot of people have given me zero
feedback on absolutely anything besides wanting to go. This trip is a lot of
work, and you need to cooperate.

Now. Here's how the rooms are working in terms of keys.

Each room has one person that will be arriving on Thursday. I will see if I can
leave keys at the desk for people, but that didn't work last time and I'm not
sure it will now.

Some lay down rules about room keys.

1] I will NOT tolerate being called by a shitton of people begging to be let
into rooms. I will have my room key and that. is. all. I'm not even staying
with Asian Media. Therefore..

We're going to try and get 4 keys per room, but the hotel may not allow this.
Therefore, it is up to YOU to buddy up appropriatley and keep track of YOUR
This is what happened last year, and the signers spent a longass time getting
things straightened out. Do not call the signers asking to get let in. We don't
have your keys.

3] People arriving Friday are mostly in Room 3, which means that you get 4 room
keys and the person in that room who comes up Thursday just safe keeps them
until you get there. As it stands, it looks like everyone should have their

4] Buddy up and swap numbers with your roommates. I can do nothing about your
keys if they get lost without re-doing the entire clubs, which will not happen.
You'll just have to deal.

5] To be a complete frank bitch, the signers work our asses off to make this con
happen. We're going to be entitled to kick back and actually have some fun at
AB. You're all grown kids, and there are plenty of staff people around. If you
have a minor issue like finding something, please ask them or one of the many
attendees. If its something that the signers have to intervene in, like room
shit [which we really can't fix anyways], or you're in trouble, then contact
But remember, this isn't a lifechanging field trip with Sifus Tim, Kate and Kat.
You are an adult. There are tons of resources around you at the con which you
can utilize. You get a little grab bag at the beginning of the convention that
includes wonderful things like a map.
[I'm not trying to talk down to anyone here, but I have been a summer school
teacher for about 7 years and rammed this info into my students, so i'm just
passing it along in case. And that way we dont have any questions!]

-Remember your landmarks! Stuff like Au Bon Pan or Dunkin Donuts in the
Prudential Center is a good one, its also a good meetup spot if you're
ridiculously lost. The Registration room where you get your badge is another
one, and it has staff members if you need help. Staff are pretty recognizable.
I dont know the shirt color or anything this year, but they're there. There are
also police around.

-A nice tip that helped me through my first AB: Follow the cosplayers. If you're
suddenly lost in a sea of people in civvies, you may be a bit out of the range
of the convention. Honestly, finding the nearest costumed person has helped me
find my way through the Pru more than once. However, always be careful. The con
is a very friendly and sunshiney environment too, but use common sense. Dont go
with anyone alone, stay in well lit areas, etc.


I only say these because its a big con, especially if its your first, and I have
an obligation to you guys' safety, so remember that while I nag you like the
ethnic maternal bitch i am.

-USE. COMMON. SENSE. Like I just said, the con is a great place. its a great
environment with great people. However, this is also Boston, and shit DOES
happen. Be aware of your surroundings, don't let your guard down, and don't
automatically trust people just because they're nerds. ESPECIALLY if you're
going to the rave. I know people that have been assaulted on many a level, and
I've had some shit happen to me personally as well. Look out for your friends,
and be careful. Maybe I'm over-cautious, but I've also been grabbed and dragged
by the wrist away from my group of friends during the rave by someone who was
bigger than me and way, way stronger. If Alek hadn't noticed pulled me back,
something might've happened. Maybe he just wanted to dance, maybe not.Point
being, its not worth chancing it. Fun is awesome, but please be careful and try
to stay near people you know. its easy to get lost and disoriented, especially
in the rave. Let people know where you are and y'know, basic stuff. Try to set
up a meeting spot if you get separated. Don't take drinks or anything from
people, don't leave your shit unattended. Just because its a babby con rave,
does NOT mean things don't happen. It's always better to err on the side of
caution rather than risk your personal safety.

And remember, report anything that happens to staff immediately, and let the
signers know. As someone who's had many parts of me grabbed, slapped, pinched,
upskirt photos, people trying to undo my top and in general, unwanted attention
etc etc--i'm not saying this to gloat about my personal safety being violated.
I'm saying this to remind you that you have to look out for yourself and your
friends. Maybe I just have shit luck xD
But, point being, the con is a nice and generally safe environment. Just
remember that while its generally safe, you're in a large, crowded area with a
whole bunch of people you don't know, in a large large city,so take that info
and act accordingly.

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