[Asianmedia] Fwd: Re: AB2012 Educational Group Discount Request for Hampshire College Asian Media from Katherine Roman

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Wed Mar 21 09:20:21 EDT 2012

----- Forwarded message from AB 2012 Registration Customer Support
<regcs at animeboston.com> -----
    Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 00:44:06 -0400
    From: AB 2012 Registration Customer Support <regcs at animeboston.com>
Reply-To: AB 2012 Registration Customer Support <regcs at animeboston.com>
 Subject: Re: AB2012 Educational Group Discount Request for Hampshire College
Asian Media from Katherine Roman
      To: Katherine Roman <ker10 at hampshire.edu>

Hi Katherine,

This email is to let you know that your group's registrations have been
entered into the system and everyone should have received their
confirmation emails.  If they have not, please have them contact us with
their full name, organization they are part of and their email address.
Thank you for registering for Anime Boston 2012 and we look forward to
seeing you in April!

- Elisa Arteche
Anime Boston 2012 Registration Customer Support

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