Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Fri Feb 24 17:27:16 EST 2012

Alright, we need a Navi moment. HEY LISTEN.

First off, Tim, Kate and I are the signers. Not you, not anyone else. Input is
nice, that's great and appreciated, however there's a certain amount of cents
I'll take before cashing them in to buy some brass knuckles.

As members, you are all entitled to opinions and are welcome to speak to the
signers about suggestions to make the club better, and criticism, however, we
are *the signers*. We make this shit happen, we do the paperwork and run across
campus to the CLA, and we put up with the whole shebang. Why? Because we like
Asian media and want to share it with you, and to provide you with yummy things
to go along with it.

Firstly, we don't even HAVE a concrete lineup, and my email wasn't stating one.
Actually fuck it, I'm a signer, I'm not defending my capslock emails. Your
comments and constant "suggestions" are becoming actually rude and crossing the
line from helpful to simply arrogant commentary that I'm asking, no,
*insisting* be ceased.

Don't like the club? Don't show up. You are not a signer, please stop acting
like you are.
Sit in your seat, eat your pizza, and watch some anime. No one's dragging you
here, so feel free to stay home if you have ~strong feelings~ about a lineup
that the signers still haven't settled on.
If it keeps up, we may just ask you to stay home.

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