[Asianmedia] Zelda shenanigans

ef11 at hampshire.edu ef11 at hampshire.edu
Wed Sep 28 16:47:02 EDT 2011

Hi all, hope everyone's enjoying their extra day off. I'm just sending out a
mass spam email because- well. Let's begin at the beginning.

During my short time at Hampshire thus far, I have gleaned that there may be a
few fans of The Legend of Zelda among you. As you may or may not know, today
Nintendo released a remake of the GBA game "The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords"
via digital distribution for the DSi and 3DS systems. As a means of celebrating
the 25th anniversary of the Zelda series, the game is available for free
(...until February 12th). What makes this game different from all other Zelda
games (well, most other Zelda games) is that it was designed as a multiplayer
game. Two to four players play the game cooperatively, and work together to
solve puzzles, kill monsters, collect Rupees, and occasionally screw each other
over for poopoos and giggles. If you've played the game before, you might be
interested to know that new, retro-Zelda-inspired levels have been added to the
downloadable version; if you haven't played it before, what are you waiting for?
This edition of the game does contain a single-player mode, but playing Four
Swords by yourself is one of the saddest things a person can do, next to
writing Goth poetry. As such, I wanted to send out a mass spam email - I mean,
uh, INVITATION - to anyone in the club with a DSi or 3DS to congregate
somewhere, at some point in time, and collectively whup some Hyrulian ass. If
you don't want to spam everyone else, any interested parties can contact me
directly at ef11 at hampshire.edu to work out a time and meeting place. Hope to
play with you guys soon!

- Eli

PS: I have recently stumbled upon this anime-themed webcomic that is wonderfully
written, excellently drawn and a riot to read. I highly recommend checking it
out, if you haven't already. Be aware, though, that there is some mildly NSFW
material in the form of coarse language and brief risque imagery/subject
matter. http://gunshowcomic.com/ac/

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