[Asianmedia] SCREENING and LARP plugging.

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Fri Sep 16 15:48:53 EDT 2011

Screening tonight in the East Lecture hall again, and a few quick notes~

PLUGGING. LIKE LARP? GOOD. my friend is part of a larp group called Siderus.
Theyre holding an event this month and need a LOT of NPCs. its not quite like
Mythos, there is fighting but its a full on LARP. I was told to advertise the
event around here, and since NPCs get free food, lodging and probably a ride,
thought i'd give a shoutout. its the weekend of september 23rd, weekend long,
and its -awesome-.


If you're interested, please send an email to me/contact me on facebook/post in
the event! They need a lot of NPCs, and my friend knows of Mythos and the nerd
population here, so, I said I'd advertise.

Here are some pretty pictures from the events:

Here are some basic Asian Media tips:

-Firstly, please don't loudly diss the choices of anime the signers have picked.
That's just bad. Don't talk too loudly, its basic Movie Rules, really.

-Secondly, the pizza we order should NOT be your dinner. Don't be greedy, don't
jump your shit and be all OOOHH PIZZA cause its like yeah thats great, but we
don't get a lot of food and please don't be mean and bad and someone I'll have
to practice my uppercuts on.

I like uppercuts.

-Laptops, please sit in the back row with the brightness down. Don't bring your
bokken, I've been informed we could actually get in trouble for that. Do bring
your swag, never turn it off.

-Respect the signers. Really. We're all friends, which is great, but its
happened in the past where people have just been...blergh. Tim and Stefan put a
lot of effort and time into this club, don't screw with them.

-DO: feel free to leave whenever you'd like. Don't feel compelled to stay. It'd
be great if you did, but its a long period of time and we  understand that
people get tired/have other things to do on Friday night. Don't pop in and out
or something, though. Just politely excuse  yourself.

-On that note, please do NOT just come for the food! That's lame, and

so come and have a nice time i have homework right now okay bye you guys

see you toniiiight...?

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