[Asianmedia] Blood Drive at Anime Boston

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Sat Mar 12 15:50:41 EST 2011

As we all know, a great tragedy has struck the people of Japan recently, an 8.9
earthquake and a tsunami that's left the news with rising death tolls and
grisly details. Since we -are- Asian Media, the signers decided it'd be nice to
maybe try our original Cosplay Cafe idea again, but this time put the money
towards Japan relief. Details are still being discussed, but if you want to
help out, let us know.

Also, Anime Boston will be hosting a blood drive with the Red Cross and some
other organization. The RC  could always use more help, and their efforts now
are focusing on Japan disaster relief.


If you're interested, sign up for an appointment. Remember, one donation of
blood can save up to 3 lives~

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