[Asianmedia] AB update

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Tue Feb 22 10:17:06 EST 2011

So, we'd like to keep you updated on our progress with Anime Boston~
Aaaand, we're delighted to announce that registration is now out of our hands
and into Marie's down at the CLA. She's a god, and we should worship her.

We also paid off the third hotel room!

Now, lets move on to parking. Parking in total will amount to over 500 dollars,
and we have 200 to spare. Ficom can cover parking if we show receipts from the
garage,credit card statements, etc. We're still working out how that's going to

As for the rooms, there are about 8 people to a room, and 3 staying with Mike.
For anyone driving, the address of the convention center is: Hynes Convention
Center 900 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02115

Mike's house is 20 Wilson Ave.

For everyone who came to the meeting, I basically covered the -entire-
convention, what to expect, etc, so I won't bore you all with that. We'll be
sending out another email with some tips, mayhaps a few maps, etc. You WILL
receive a bag of goodies when you get your badge though, including a list of
events and locations, and a map. It's beautiful.

We will say one thing though, LIMIT IS ONE BAG PER PERSON WHEN WE TRAVEL. One
backpack, one suitcase, one duffle bag, etc etc. If you have a purse or
something [ a shoulderbag or small backpack is preferable] that you'd like to
keep on you when you're at the con, that's alright too. So, its Amtrak rules,
almost. One carry-with-you bag and one travel bag are allowed.

If you're cosplaying and will have a prop, try to make it either small or
collapsable or whatnot. People will be buying tons of shit and we don't know if
we'll have room on the way back for everyones stuff.

Have any con questions? COME AT ME, BRO.

And again, thank you all for your cooperation in making this happen <3

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