[Asianmedia] Who's interested in acting? 8D

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Tue Feb 22 09:58:29 EST 2011

Interested in fantasy? How about acting? Looking to combine them BOTH to help
out a Div III with his film, "Ashes to Ashes"?

Email nrs07 at hampshire.edu for more info!

I don't really have much, but I can tell you that he's been postering all over
the dorms and like, the world.. and really could use some talented actors, so I
said I'd plug Asian Media. I know you all are giant geeks, and hopefully there's
a theater kid among us somewhere! If you're interested in trying out, please
email him, he'd really appreciate it.  He's a great guy with sly wardrobe,
really cool boots and sassy hair. So, you should definitely check it out.

"I loved my audition. I laughed, I cried, I lost ten pounds! It changed my life.
I really feel like something's awakened within me, something..powerful. I
learned that I can change the world."
-Stefan Terry on his audition process

But really. Help a Div III out and audition! Email him for more info.

~Your signers, with sass.

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