[Asianmedia] Cosplay Cafe help wanted!

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Mon Feb 7 11:21:15 EST 2011

We need:


Bakers [for cakes, cookies, various deserts] and people to help with making
smoothies, tea, tea sandwiches..that sort of thing.

Bakrub people! You do NOT need to be certified or have taken that class, all we
request is that you give a good backrub. So far we have enough people on that.

Decorating staff [Juliet has dibs on this bit, but if you're interested in
making decorations like paper lanterns,  doily..things.. or something like
that, let us know. We can probably set up one time to make a lot of
decorations. No, we don't have a theme yet]

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