[Asianmedia] Anime Boston Questionnaire, please reply~

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Wed Feb 2 14:40:10 EST 2011

Yayy! Our initial request has been sent via Zoho to FiCom. We don't know when
we'll get a response, but thanks to the contributions of people who fronted 40
dollars and put up with my annoying emails, we've widdled the cost down to
about 1500 dollars. Which is still a LOT, and we're hoping to possibly get
another hotel room for another 384$, so if more people can pay for themselves
that'd be amazing.

But so far, things are looking up!

Anyways, we're looking for people to send us back this questionnaire WITH THE

1] Are you still planning on attending Anime Boston?

2] Do you have a car and can transport people to and from Boston?

2a] Are you a defensive driver? [Not required if you're using your own car, but
if you want to be reimbursed for gas, its a nice thing to have. No, we do NOT
know when the DD class is and we've been trying to find out forever.]

3] Did you pay 40 dollars for your own registration? [If you're a driver, we
won't urge you to pay since you're helping out a -lot-]

3a] If not, can you? [It's alright if you can't, but if you CAN it'd be very

4] Do you need hotel space? [If you can stay with a friend, that'd be lovely, as
we're pretty damn packed at the moment. A few people can stay with Mike's
stepmom as well.]

5] Have you signed a waiver/do you need one? [You MUST HAVE SIGNED A WAIVER IN
ORDER TO ATTEND. We hand them out at Asian Media every Friday, if you can make
it, please do.]

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