[Asianmedia] AB meeting: 4/20 6 pm
Katherine Elisabeth Roman
ker10 at hampshire.edu
Thu Apr 7 22:24:46 EDT 2011
The Anime Boston meeting will be on Wedensday, the 20th, at 6 PM in the Dakin
Living Room. If for some reason, the place is taken, we can always move to the
G2 lounge, or just outside if its warm enough.
This meeting IS important, please show up. It’s especially important for any
drivers, and for people that need to get registration questions out of the way.
Speaking of that, if you didn’t get your express pass in email, Anime Boston has
notified me that its most likely due to the fact that a lot of our info sheets
were illegible and information was incorrect. Of course, this doesn’t apply to
everyone, and I’ll be talking to the people who did have problems. Its not
necessarily anyone’s fault, but I am a bit ticked because the signers put a
HEAVY stress on neat handwriting. Anime Boston might also be a blind kobold
controlled by a demonic gnome.
Another reason may be your email itself; mine got sent to spam when I got it,
and some people’s spam autodeletes and whatnot. I’ve asked them to please try
and send a second one
There were some mismatches when it came to addresses, people using Hampshire as
their address and stuff. I explained to them that some of us are in a sticky
living situation and that Hampshire IS your address for the moment, but if
this applies to you, you should be fine. If not, you’ll just have to change
your address to whatever is shown on any official ID that you have, and I can
email that to them for you. It doesn’t have to be where you actually live, it
just needs to match your ID.
I’m apologizing for any inconvenience and stuff, but you guys have to
understand, this filling out forms and bureaucratic bullshit isn’t the fault of
the signers. Putting a big school group through AB is tough work, especially for
first timers, and its not our fault that things keep going wrong. Anyways, all
of this shit is basically out of our control.
We have two weeks till this damn con AND IT WILL BE FUN, FUCK IT.
WEDENSDAY, 6 PM. DAKIN LIVING ROOM. BE THERE. If you don’t show up, I won’t kill
you, but we’d like you to show up.
Tim wants you to show up.
Do it for Tim, man.
Do it for Tim.
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