[Asianmedia] Fwd: Movie Night: The Wayward Cloud 天邊一朵雲

Jiemin jil08 at hampshire.edu
Mon Apr 4 12:43:08 EDT 2011

Hello all,

Come enjoy a juicy water-melo[n]drama and free food with PASA [Pan Asian
Students Alliance] this Tuesday in FPH 103!!!

In a city where there's a water shortage and thus cum is the new water,
watermelons are about :
the alienated humans seeking for connections, the nonverbal bodies trying to
have conversations, comical and musical emotional outbursts, urban diaspora

Tsai Ming-liang [director] is a Chinese born in Malaysia and lived in a
kampong for over 20 years, after which he moved to Taipei, Taiwan. This, he
says, had "a huge impact on [his] mind and psyche," perhaps later mirrored
in his films. "Even today," says Tsai, "I feel I belong neither to Taiwan
nor to Malaysia. In a sense, I can go anywhere I want and fit in, but I
never feel that sense of belonging." [-wiki]

Sorry, there isn't an English trailer for this movie, so enjoy some French
Please spread the words


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