[Asianmedia] Deathfest T-Shirts! Pre-Order your Swag Now!!!

Zachary zbc08 at hampshire.edu
Wed Feb 10 22:26:12 EST 2010

Okay kids.  We promised and now we deliver.

We are now accepting *preorders* for limited *Deathfest* *T-shirts!*
Here is the design:
BACK <http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/6767/deathfestshirtbackcopy.jpg>*

They are designed by the wonderful Chris Sommer, the same gent who made the
Deathfest banner we all know and love.

If you want one, and you know you do, the preorder will be *$15.00*, please
contract *EVAN SILBERMAN <ejs07 at hampshire.edu> *and he will sort you out (be
sure to tell him your size!)
Keep in mind that this is the cheapest you'll get the shirt, as they'll be
sold for *$20 on-site*.

So order now!


Zachary "would feel like a tool if these shirts weren't the shit" Clemente

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