[Asianmedia] New semester! New screenings! Tonight at 8!

Juliet Sofia Kahn jsk08 at hampshire.edu
Wed Feb 10 08:27:45 EST 2010

Hey there, Asian Media!

Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Juliet, the new signer for this fair club.
I'll be in charge of emails like this, so get used to seeing my name in your
inbox, though I'll try not to clutter it up! I hope to do a good job by you all
in terms of screenings, events, and just keeping things copacetic.

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: Tonight at 8 in FPH's ELH, our semester really begins!
This semester, we'll be screening three series:

SPICE AND WOLF: The one I, personally, am most excited to see. An anime about a
merchant traveling an idealized, middle-ages-esque world in the company of
Horo, a neglected wolf goddess. I've heard great things, personally, so
hopefully it lives up to expectations.

MACROSS FRONTIER: Okay, all I know about this one is that it's a sci-fi INNN
SPAAACE kinda deal with jets that turn into mechs and a moemoe girl who dresses
up in costumes and sings songs about carrots. I should note that every time I
mention we're watching it to someone, they invariably go OH MAN MACROSS
FRONTIER YEAAAAAH. So...good sign!

BARTENDER: Shockingly, an anime about a bartender doing his thing. In the words
of someone on G2, "booze porn."

ANNNNNND we'll be screening a bunch of movies and such, as always. Tonight's
movie (which we'll watch after an episode of Macross) will be VOLCANO HIGH,
chosen by my esteemed colleague Stefan. The Wiki page'll tell you what you need
to know, so head there for info.

And thus begins our semester. Stefan and I are interested in ordering food for
each meeting Excalibur-style, but sadly that'll have to wait till next week, as
our funding isn't quite straightened out. REGARDLESS, you should come tonight as
I'll be bringing milk and cookies anyway!

SO. Asian Media. It's going to kick all kinds of ass this semester and you
should be a part of it.

Yours from Ah! My Goddess to Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei,


p.s. Ahaha, I'm listening to the Ouran soundtrack as I write this. Appropriate,

p.p.s. Dude, my signoff reminded me: who else would be totally down for watching
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? I KNOW I WOULD.

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