[Asianmedia] NY Anime Fest?! READ ME

Maya Adean Marie Gounard mag06 at hampshire.edu
Fri Aug 22 18:11:39 EDT 2008

Hello fellow Asian Media followers,

This is one of your signers speaking; I swear your emails have not gone unheard,
we simply needed time to communicate. To recap the various emails, there is
obviously an interest in going to the New York Anime Festival which is being
held Sept. 26-28 at the Jacob Javits Center. I need to know how much of an
interest there is, how many people want to go? So please email me ASAP if you
are interested in going (if you are in contact with other people that are not
on this list that also want to go then also let me know about them). I really
need a headcount because 1) I need to apply for the funding for the tickets
(which are not cheap) and 2) I need to figure out how to get everyone there.
Unlike last semester we don't have signer that can drive a Hampshire van, thus
we need to carpool or bus there. So if you have a car and are willing to drive
a group please let me know and I can apply for gas money.

So summary:
Email me if you want to go to the New York Anime Festival (Sept. 26-28).
Email me if you have a car and are willing to carpool.

The deadline to do this is Aug. 25th, because that is the deadline for me to
apply for funding.

I'm sorry if anyone feels like this too short a time or if they don't open this
email until after the deadline. Such is life, and it is not fair.

Please be warned: We may not get all the funding we ask for...and I'm not to
blame if we don't.

Well that is all on my end, feel free to email me with questions as well as

Maya Gounard

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