[Asianmedia] One more thing...

Sam Ross sar04 at hampshire.edu
Thu Apr 26 08:41:24 EDT 2007

I was just informed by our good friend Chris over at Necronomicon that they're
doing a Takashi Miike movie marathon this Friday. If you don't know who Miike
is, he's behind some pretty famous (and gory) Japanese horror movies that have
hit American screens over the past 10 years, including his movies "Audition",
"Ichi the Killer", "One Missed Call", and countless others.

I don't know if Necronomicon is showing any of those but Chris tells me that
they're going to be trying to go at least until around midnight. This marathon
will start at 8PM this Friday, and will be in the East Lecture Hall of FPH.

Also, on an "unrelated to anything Asian, but worth advertising" note, mark your
calendars to take a couple hours off on Tuesday, May 1st next week, starting at
8PM for Hampshire College's annual Cthulhu night. If you don't know who Cthulhu
is, well, you're screwed, but thankfully we'll be going over that and much much
more next week. Coming to Cthulhu night may not only save your life (so to
speak) but it will also save you from looking very confused as you walk around
campus on May 2nd.

Anyway, that's all folks, stay tuned for info on our last official screening of
the semester next week!

See you space cowboys,
Sam Ross

Sam Ross
Box 1384, Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002

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