[Asianmedia] Talk at UMass on Cannibalism in Manga and Anime

Sam Ross sar04 at hampshire.edu
Tue Nov 14 15:41:12 EST 2006

Hey folks,
Just got this email from Bruce Baird at UMass. Sounds a little wacky to say the
least, but I figured some of you might be interested, so thought I'd pass it


Dear Manga/Anime fans,

I wanted to alert you all to a talk that the Five College Japan Lecture Series
is sponsoring on Dec. 4th at 3 PM in 106 Thompson Hall on the UMass Campus. 
Please pass this on to your clubs and groups.

"Mechanime: Japanese Visions of Cannibalism's Future"

Professor William LaFleur--University of Pennsylvania

Time: Dec. 4; 3 PM
Place: 106 Thompson Hall



Bruce Baird
Assistant Professor
Asian Languages and Literatures
University of Massachusetts Amherst
But=F4, Japanese Theater, Intellectual History

717 Herter Hall
161 Presidents Drive
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003-9312
Phone: 413-577-4992
Fax: 413-545-4975
baird at asianlan.umass.edu

Sam Ross
Box 1384, Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002

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