[Asianmedia] 1st Screening!

Samuel sar04 at hampshire.edu
Thu Sep 22 00:59:57 EDT 2005

The day is upon us, gentlemen. Tomorrow at 8:00, Asian Media will hold it's
first screening. As such, several things need to be done beforehand. I suggest
we meet in my room at around 7:00PM, possibly 6:30PM to get organized. Josh,
bring your laptop as a failsafe in case something goes wrong with mine.

Now as I know you are all aware, I only just today found out the number for
Special Events and was unable to get us the ELH for tomorrow. We do, however,
have rm. 107 in FPH which does have a projector and is fairly large for a
classroom. I don't know how many people will show up tomorrow, but it'll
probably fit our needs.

As such, there's several things which need to get accomplished though. For one
thing, signs need to be made for the front of FPH and possibly the door to the
ELH explaining where we're doing the screening. We may also want to have
someone in the lobby pointing people in the right direction. Also, part of the
reason I suggest we get there early is so we can rearrange or get rid of
furniture we don't need, namely the table.

Finally, if any of you has a good quality copy of Jungle wa, please bring it
over. My version is decent, but badly translates the theme song and looks
fairly pixilated.

Talk to you all tomorrow. No matter how this showing goes, as I've said before,
it gives us an excuse to watch anime and asian movies anyway. :D


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