[Asianmedia] Screening for 11-3-05

Samuel sar04 at hampshire.edu
Mon Oct 31 23:05:22 EST 2005

(Kitsune howl)

Yeah, I know, I'm downright creepy when it comes down to it. So Asian Media,
hope you all enjoyed your Halloween. We've got some awesome stuff going down in
the next few weeks and it all start off this Thursday with:

8:00 - Densha Otoko
   Things are going pretty well between Yamada-san and Aoyama-san. Which,
therefore makes me wonder what's going to happen this week. In case you're just
tuning in, Yamada-san is a huge otaku who saved Aoyama-san from a pervert on the
bus. Since then, with the encouragement and advice from a message board, he's
gone out with her a couple times and like I said, things are going pretty well

What can I say, there wasn't really a cliffhanger this week, so we'll just have
to see what they've got in store for us.

9:00-12:00 Kurosawa movies-Rashomon & Yojimbo

In case you don't know who Kurosawa is, his name is practically synonomous with
Japanese cinema and his movies have been said to have influenced an entire
generation of filmmakers worldwide. So there. :P

Rashomon is long considered one of Kurosawa's best movies. The plot entails four
different people discussing their perspective of a rape and murder that they
were all witness to or involved in and attempting to come up with the ultimate
truth of what really happened.

Yojimbo is the story of a nameless samurai who wanders the land after losing his
master. Arriving in a town with battling gangs of gamblers, he does the thing
any smart person would do, he joins both sides.

Come check it out, it's gonna be more awesome than anything else you've ever
seen...at least until next week's screening...:D

As always, Asian media is in the West Lecture Hall of FPH this Thursday.


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