[Yurt] Apply for a radio show!

radiocontact at hampshire.edu radiocontact at hampshire.edu
Sun Sep 18 23:41:17 EDT 2016


Greetings Yurtlings. You're getting this email because you're on our
listserv. Yurt Radio will be managing mass communication through
CollegiateLink from now on--join our CollegiateLink group today [1].
Email radiocontact at hampshire.edu with any questions. 


Nestled in the woods next to Franklin Patterson Hall lies the Yurt Media
Center. Yurt Radio hosts 100% Hampshire College community content. 

Yurt Media Center is now accepting new DJ's, and welcoming returning
DJ's to Fall 2016. So if you've never had a Yurt show before, or you're
have been with us before and are trying something new--it's time to get
on the schedule. 

New DJ's are required to attend a mandatory training session. All Yurt
DJ's are requested for our semesterly All-DJ meeting, where you can
learn about upcoming projects and meet fellow DJ's. Updates will be
continued to be sent through the CollegiateLink system. 

Email the following information to RADIOCONTACT at HAMPSHIRE.EDU before
Monday, September 26, 12:15am to secure your slot. 

 	* Names + Emails of all DJ's involved in this show
 	* Have you had a Yurt Radio show before?
 	* Tentative Show Name + Description. Tell us what you'll be doing with
your hour in the Yurt: playing music, hosting a talk show, performing,
we're interested in seeing what you've got! The Yurt has no content
restrictions or guidelines.
 	* Three time slots you'd be okay being slotted in, Day and Time. Shows
run for one hour.

The schedule will be finalized the week of the 26th: stay tuned to find
out when your show is and when to get trained (if you're new.) 

Stay Yurty, 

Saffron w/the Yurt 

[1] https://hampshire.collegiatelink.net/organization/yurtradio
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