radiocontact at hampshire.edu radiocontact at hampshire.edu
Wed Nov 13 15:22:45 EST 2013

Hello everyone,

As it says in the subject, we're holding an all-dj meeting on Sunday,  
November 24th. We're holding this for a few reasons, most of which  
we'll explain at the meeting itself, however the main reason is that  
this is the first step in making the Yurt into more of a Student  
Group, instead of just a group of students sharing a space.

I have personally visited a few Yurt shows, and those I talked to had  
absolutely fantastic ideas on how to improve our space and our group.  
These meetings will be a place for us all to gather, and for you all  
to let us know what we could be doing better for the Yurt.

We're not exactly sure on what time the meeting will be. There will  
certainly be another email with that information. Just mark your  
calendars for the 24th for now!

Thanks, and we hope to see you there on the 24th!

Ryan Meiselman and the Yurt

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