[YellowBike] (no subject)

hannah hamad hmh04 at hampshire.edu
Wed Apr 18 14:38:16 EDT 2007

hey yellows,

we need to figure out this bbq ish because we have to turn in an  
event registration form real soon. price just informed me that the  
nazis won't let him help organize, so we need to redistribute tasks  
and get this ball moving. can people meet at my mod tonight at 7 or 8  
or 9pm? i know this is short notice....so....... sorry, come to the  
meeting anyways.


Hannah Hamad
Student of Natural Science
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA, 01002
Mail Box #726
Land: 413.559.4930
Mobile: 617.283.3702
hmh04 at hampshire.edu

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