[YellowBike] Yellowbike for Spring 2004!

Aaron F. Wieler afw01 at stout.hampshire.edu
Thu Jan 29 21:02:46 EST 2004

hi all.

so adam moved on, and ian warren and peter smith and myself (aaron wieler)
are taking up organizing yellowbike. do you want to help fix the bikes?
this includes:

*good hangout time while working on bikes
*learning new bike repair skills
*using innovative methods to do miraculous things to almost
beaten-to-death bikes
*eating snacks
*being a part of keeping yellowbike alive

so here's the question: do you want to fix bikes, and if so, when? fridays
have historically been fixing times. would friday between 11:00 and 3:00
work for people? We can also set up another time. in the week if friday
doesn't work. i'm pretty free on mondays.

so, if you like, respond about the following times, or suggest another.

fridays 11:00 to 3:00
mondays 1:00 to 3:00
wednesdays afternoon.

respond to afw01 at hampshire.edu

we're thinking about other kinds of community bicycle programs that could
coexist with yellowbike; some models we have to work from include bike
rental, fix-a-bike programs (where you volunteer to keep up the community
bike fleet and get to build a bike from parts), and membership programs.
If you have any thoughts about this we would love to hear them. You can
email aaron at afw01 if you want to not reply to everyone on the
yellowbike list.

rubber-side down.
-aaron and yellowbike

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