[YellowBike] BIKES on FriDay frIdaY!!

Adam Shapiro adams at wonka.hampshire.edu
Tue Sep 16 14:31:20 EDT 2003

hey y'all.

its starting, it is.  We're working on yellow bikes from 10:00 till ? on

come help out in the BIKE SHOP, back of the Robert Crown Center to get
this party started again this semester.

We have a lot to do to get them going again, so any time you have is
appreciated.  Come help out, stop by to say hello, anything goes this

The agenda:

1.  Clean up clean up!  There is a pile of bikes and none of them work.
It's time to go through and dump the really dead bikes, and salvage what
we can.  Physical plant will have a truck for us to load up, with trashed
parts and they'll cart it away.

2.  Rehab the new bikes!  We are the recipients of old student's
leftovers.  The abandoned bikes left on campus are to be officially ours
as of this wednesday.  Hopefully, we can get our hands on a first batch of
those bikes, fix them, paint them, and release them on friday.

3.  Enjoy.  Meet each other.  Eat some snacks.  Dig?

If Friday does not work for you, but you are stoked to lend a hand.  EMAIL
ME.  Include a prime available time or two and most likely a secondary
shop time will get started soon.

thanks y'all.

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