[YellowBike] to Adam

ajf00 at hampshire.edu ajf00 at hampshire.edu
Fri Sep 27 00:37:01 EDT 2002

This is a letter for Adam Shapiro. Sorry if you got this and you are not him, 
but I've had trouble getting e-mail to him.

Here is my self-eval as discussed. Sorry again about the time frame, but I'm 
hoping to get the eval by Tuesday. Thanks

AJ Farkas
Self Eval
Yellow Bike Program

	I originally volunteered for the yellow bicycle program because I wanted to 
learn how to fix a bike. As far as this ambition goes, I can now fix any 
problem with a leatherman and some duct tape. 
	Fixing the community bikes was an excellent experience. It was nice to put a 
bike out in front of the RCC and see someone take it right away. I worked hard 
on those bikes, and some of the problems were stubborn, but we managed to keep 
the bikes running. I occasionaly fixed small problems on yellow bikes around 
campus also. 
	I wound up working all of Fall semester 2001 on the community bike program, 
and would have continued in the Spring, but class conflicted with both meeting 

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