[Push] Speed

PerPlex Ed edperplex at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 30 13:28:07 EDT 2010

Lee said:

>PS I should also say with respect to the Clojush timings that in Clojure, as in many Lisps, you can usually get really major speed improvements by specifying optional type information ("hints"), but I haven't done any of that at all. Yet.

I guess that will conflict with automatic promotion.

>Also BTW one of the selling points of Clojure is that it's fairly trivial to make things run on multiple cores, and I'm relying in part on that to do large scale runs (with 16-core nodes and a 48-core node soon).

Genetic Programming is trivial to run on multiple cores on any platform. It really takes few lines more lines than running on a single core.

Anyway, I was primarily worried that I didn't do anything really bad. I saw a web java applet with Koza-style symbolic regression that appeared to be faster than mine and got scared. I'm not using Push enough to justify spending more time in making it run faster.But I would like to find a way to save the initialization time of the random generator.

Thanks for Clojush's timings!


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