[Push] RANDOM-SEED parameter

PerPlex Ed edperplex at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 29 13:08:45 EDT 2010

Is the random seed updated only when the interpreter is setup?

As far as I understand this is what the lisp Push interpreter does.

When I first wrote my implementation, I followed only the specification. When describing the initialization files, it lists all possible parameters including RANDOM-SEED.

Then it says that that an alternative method of setting those parameters is running initialization code, specifically the ENV instructions.

To me that means that there is an Env.RandomSeed instruction.
On the other hand (random::seed-state *RANDOM-SEED* *RANDOM-SEED*) is called only in "configure-push-from-file" and "complete-push-pre-configuration". In any case, even if you implemented an Env.RandomSeed instruction it seems that it won't have any effect at runtime.

Could you clarify this?

Details like this one can make a significant difference when implementing Push from scratch. Thanks.



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