[Push] Tests

Lee Spector lspector at hampshire.edu
Fri Jun 18 15:25:44 EDT 2010

I guess that the Push test suite scheme is indeed outdated. Not for any particularly good reason, but I don't think anyone has tried to do this in any standard way since Push 2. It's still mentioned in the Push 3 language description, but I don't know that anyone actually implemented it for Push 3.

A small test suite for Push 2 is linked in the Push 2 section of http://hampshire.edu/lspector/push.html -- the direct link is http://hampshire.edu/lspector/push2/tests/

I think it would be a good idea to revive this or something like it, particularly since there are now a couple of new implementations being developed. It's possible that Tom Helmuth (who has been working on the Java "Psh" implementation) has developed something along these lines... I have a dim memory that he might have told me about something like that... presumably he'll chime in if so :-) In any event, if someone wants to work on this I'd certainly cheer you on :-). 

BTW also: Tom and I have begun discussing setting up a better way to keep the documentation current and coherent across implementations, maybe with a wiki or something like that. We've just begun mulling that but suggestions are welcome.


On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:58 AM, PerPlex Ed wrote:

> Hello.
> I'd like to test a Push implementation.
> I read somewhere (maybe some older Push specification document) that there is or should be some kind of set of input and output files for checking the behaviour of the implementation. I browsed the lisp implementation source code folder but I could not find it.
> Then I read some recent message in this list where people asks for a testing tool.
> So there is/was such set of files? Is it outdated?
> Thanks,
> PerPlexEd
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Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science
School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359
lspector at hampshire.edu, http://hampshire.edu/lspector/
Phone: 413-559-5352, Fax: 413-559-5438

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