[Omen] Personal e-mails

jup97 at hampshire.edu jup97 at hampshire.edu
Thu Sep 19 12:23:16 EDT 2002

::nods head apologetically:: yes, you're right. and on that note i wonder...

does anybody happen to know if the forward is still putting ads in its paper? 
way back in the day when i was business manager for the forward, we charged for 
print ads. this money was dealt with specifically by forward staff and was not 
included, insofar as i can remember anyway, in any sort of budget accounting 
for community council. if it was i'm not sure how it was handled.

now the nature of the omen is such that anyone can have anything printed so 
long as they put their name on it. a three page rant that says 'eat at joes' at 
the bottom would be an ad of sorts regardless of form... anyway, heres the 
idea. you sell ads at subscription cost to alums, and in turn mail them off to 
folks. whatever they happen to want to sell or promote, so long as they're 
identified by name and year assoiciated with the omen. it would be a straight 
trade, really. alums pay what it would cost to get the omen printed and sent to 
them, and they're in the omen again. 

just a thought, obviously hinges on demand for such a service.

- justin 

> I don't want to be a grouch, but as with any e-mail list you have to 
> remember that everyone on the list is reading what you write. So, please 
> keep things Omen related, and e-mail me personally (zole at zole.org) if you 
> have a question. I wouldn't bring this up, but I think this list is best 
> kept to announcements and light discussion of explicitly Omen-related
> matters.
> ~Zole
> ----------
> M. Zole * Web: http://www.zole.org/ * AIM: Super Zole
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