[Omen] funding

Zole zole at zole.org
Mon Sep 16 16:39:30 EDT 2002

Is this for the full year or just the semester? If it's the semester, 
that's enough to print 8 issues, and we'll probably only print six, so 
we're in the clear. The reunion thingie Beth is referring to is an event we 
were planning last semester, where we'd celebrate the Omen's ten year 
anniversary, and get former editors to show up and give speeches if 
possible. The funding would make that more difficult, so we may want to 
look at doing that next semester, when we'll have rollover from this 
semester plus a little more (hopefully).

The issue did finally get laid out, by the way, despite the &^#@! fire 
alarms. 20 pages, 600 copies, out this Friday. If anyone strong wants to 
help me distribute them, e-mail me and I will be very grateful.

At 04:08 PM 9/16/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>according to the funding list nina was handing out to the various house
>offices, the omen recieved $3,200, 46% of what we requested.
>jsut letting you all know.  i have no good concept as to whether that will
>cover the cost of our issues as well as some kind of 10-year omen reunion
>thingie.  hopefully zole or someone else knows.

M. Zole * Web: http://www.zole.org/ * AIM: Super Zole

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