[Newleaf] Ian Angus "Too Many People?" book tour

madeline burrows madelineburrows at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 11:38:41 EDT 2012

Hi New Leaf!

Ian Angus, author of Too Many People? will be speaking at the CLPP
conference, and will also be in town to speak the following week, beginning
April 16th. The Hampshire International Socialist Organization is
sponsoring a meeting with him to discuss his book and discuss the myth of
overpopulation and environmental justice. Would you be interested in
co-sponsoring the meeting? It would be great to organize the meeting with
as many reproductive justice and environmental justice-oriented groups on
campus as possible! Let me know,



Too Many People? provides a clear, well-documented, and popularly written
refutation of the idea that “overpopulation” is a major cause of
environmental destruction, arguing that a focus on human numbers not only
misunderstands the causes of the crisis, it dangerously weakens the
movement for real solutions. No other book challenges modern overpopulation
theory so clearly and comprehensively, providing invaluable insights for
activists and environmental scholars alike.
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