[Newleaf] Free Food

Andrew James Mangold ajm09 at hampshire.edu
Wed Apr 13 22:24:08 EDT 2011

Hey everybody,

A collaboration between New Leaf and Primitive Skills has resulted in plans to
host weekly foraging walks with/for the Hampshire community.

The walks will support many of our groups' collective efforts for a better
planet such as (1) spreading appreciation for the natural world (2) keeping
sustainability in people's consciousness, (3) increasing knowledge of local
ecology, and (4) presenting alternatives to industrial systems for food,
entertainment and friends by increasing awareness of $0.00, very-local food all
around us.

At this point we plan that the walks will be a weekly offering as the selection
of plants change with the season. If they are successful, then we expect to
continue the walks in Fall semester.

We are inviting members of LFI, New Leaf, Community Garden and Primitive Skills
that would like to be involved in this project to the first, informal walk this
Saturday the 16th at 2pm before we begin official outings the following week. We
will meet outside of COLE's greenhouse (bioshelter) by the sundial and benches.

This Saturday we will plan routes, advertising, collaboration and ways to keep
the events engaging. We will also go for a test-walk to share our collective
knowledge of plants and wildlife.

Come by if you are interested or want to contribute skills.


Again, that's:
Saturday the 16th
Between Cole and Community Garden


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