[Newleaf] Bottled Water Group!

Andrea Victoria Heredia avh07 at hampshire.edu
Wed Oct 20 20:08:47 EDT 2010

Heeeey New Leafers!!!

Thank you to everybody that came to our meeting last night!! As you may have
seen from the meeting notes, it is up to me to e-mail the bottled water group
to organize a meeting. Our groups have gotten a little confusing though, so I'm
e-mailing everybody in New Leaf to invite you to come join the group that's
working to get rid of bottled water on campus!!! wwwoooooooootttttt!!!

Also, I'm e-mailing to ask when a good time to meet would be.... this weekend is
probably not good because all of us should be going to the awesome sleep out in
Worcester, MA to support the Students for a Just & Stable Future group! (had to
throw in a little advertising hehe) This week is also probably going to be
difficult, but what about tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 21 at 6pm at the bridge?? Or
anytime on Friday?? I not, I vote we meet at 7pm on Monday right before our New
Leaf meeting?

Let me know what you guys think! And don't forget- just because you're involved
in one group doesn't mean you can't work with the others, so get involved!!
Have a beautiful day!!

-Andrea H.

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