[NERDug-list] NERDug July 28-29, 2005

Jeffrey Butera jbutera at hampshire.edu
Thu Mar 31 11:27:36 EST 2005

I apologize to those receiving multiple copies of this message.

2005 NERDug planning is underway in earnest.  At this point we really need
end users to step up and consider a presentation.  Don't forget that the
"U" in DUG is for "Users" - others want to hear what you're doing.

We have a couple of easy suggestions for sessions:

1) Datatel is always adding new clients, and institutions continue to hire new 
staff with limited exposure to Colleague and Benefactor.  Even sessions you 
may consider "simple" may be of extreme importance to some newcomers. Some 
include basic coding practices, setup and/or billing for meal and room plans, 
basic data entry standards, and so on.

2) You can contribute a session idea on the NERDug website even if you aren't 
willing to present the session yourself.  So if you have a topic you'd like 
to see presented by someone else, submit your idea today!

3) The listing of session ideas on the NERDug website allows you to easily 
"claim" a session that someone else has proposed (and modify it's title and 
description to your taste).


Changes to the NERDug website require you create a login to browse and/or 
submit session ideas.  Creating a login takes 15 seconds to complete.

If you have any questions or complaints, send them to me. 
Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
Administrative Systems
Hampshire College
jbutera at hampshire.edu

"There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those that
  understand binary and those that don't."    Various 

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