[Libri] a rich series of book-related events to start the new season

Jim Wald (Hampshire College Center for the Book) jwald at hampshire.edu
Thu Sep 9 23:25:58 EDT 2010


Welcome back to the rhythms of the "regular" year (academic or other) 
after what I hope was both a pleasant and a productive summer.  There is 
lots of new energy for the strengthening of book-related activity here 
in the Valley.

Here is the beginning of what is shaping up to be a rich season of events.


. *Sept. 16*, 4:00 p.m.  reception for Exhibit: "10 Years of 
Massachusetts Book Awards," Du Bois Library, University of 
Massachusetts-Amherst. The Massachusetts Book Awards are administered by 
the Massachusetts Center for the Book (www.massbook.org)


. *Sept. 21, Oct. 5, Oct. 19*:  Peter Stallybrass delivers the 
distinguished Kennedy Lectures at Smith:

All the lectures will be a Graham/Hillyer Hall, Brown Fine Arts Center, Smith College at 5pm.

Peter Stallybrass

September 21: "What is a Book, or why do printers not print books?

October 5:  Eating the Book, or why do readers need to digest what they read?

October 19: Image against Word, or why don't woodcuts illustrate printed texts?

.*Sept. 25*:  Conference on the History of the Book, Massachusetts Center for Renaissance Studies, (free, but preregistration required; details to follow soon)



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