[Libri] reminder: Friends of Library event on Sunday

Prof. James Wald (der Geist, der stets verneint) jwald at hampshire.edu
Fri Oct 2 01:56:46 EDT 2009

UMass Amherst Libraries Hosts
Book Discussion and Reception October 4

"Behind the Book: Creativity and Compromise"

On Sunday, October 4, from 2:00-4:00 p.m., the Friends of the UMass  
Libraries host the 11th Annual Fall Reception in Memorial Hall at UMass
Amherst.  The keynote speaker, author Corinne Demas, will give a talk
"Behind the Book: Creativity and Compromise."  The program starts at  
p.m.; the event is free and open to the public.

Corinne Demas, professor of English at Mount Holyoke College and fiction
editor for The Massachusetts Review, is the author of two collections of
short stories, two novels, a memoir and numerous books for children. Her
Ph.D. in Literature is from Columbia University.  Demas' books include
Always in Trouble (2009), Valentine Surprise (2008), Yuck! Stuck in  
the Muck
(2006), Two Christmas Mice (2005), Saying Goodbye to Lulu (2004), and a
memoir Eleven Stories High: Growing Up in Stuyvesant Town, 1948-1968  
among others.

The event is also a reception for a related exhibit, "The Making of a
Picture Book: The Marriage of Text and Art" on display on the Lower  
Level of
Du Bois Library from September 14 to December 18, 2009.  The exhibit  
feature a behind-the-scenes look at the making of picture books by local
authors and illustrators Leonard Baskin, Kathy Brown, Corinne Demas,
Patricia MacLachlan, Richard Michelson, Dennis Nolan, Katy Schneider,  
Jane Yolen.  For more information: http://tiny.cc/picturebook.
As part of the program, Lewis Mainzer, past president of the Friends of
UMass Amherst Libraries, will be honored with the 2009 Siegfried Feller
Award for Outstanding Service.  This award, established in 1998, is  
annually to individuals who have made outstanding volunteer  
contributions to
create awareness and build support for the UMass Amherst Libraries.
For further information, contact Emily Silverman of the UMass Amherst
Libraries at (413) 545-0995, or essilverman at library.umass.edu.

RSVPs are requested (but not required) by September 26, to Susan  
McBride at
(413) 545-3974 or friends at library.umass.edu.  UMass Catering will  
refreshments.  Books by Corinne Demas and authors related to the exhibit
(Jane Yolen, Richard Michelson, and Patricia MacLachlan) will be  
for sale by Amherst Books.


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