[Libri] Re: David's story in Gazette

Prof. James Wald (der Geist, der stets verneint) jwald at hampshire.edu
Sun Aug 5 10:22:38 EDT 2007

Hi, Elaine.

Yes, you could send it to the book-studies list with an explanation:

libri at lists.hampshire.edu

However, you need to susbcribe to the list in order to be able to  
post. I suppose you could subscribe and then later unsubscribe, if  
you wish. It is a very low-volume list anyway.



On 4 Aug 2007, at 20:31, etCM at hampshire.edu wrote:

> Unless you can link to the one they sent you, you can't do it  
> without a
> subscription. IF you send me emails you want it sent to (I have a
> subscription), I'll gladly do that for you, though. Elaine
> Quoting "Prof. James Wald (der Geist, der stets verneint)"
> <jwald at hampshire.edu>:
>> Thanks, Elaine.
>> A link would be good, because that way, I could distribute the story.
>> On 4 Aug 2007, at 12:37, etCM at hampshire.edu wrote:
>>> I don't know about the Bulletin -- maybe, though.
>>> If it's online now, I'll send you the link.
>>> Quoting "Prof. James Wald (der Geist, der stets verneint)"
>>> <jwald at hampshire.edu>:
>>>> Thanks, Elaine, and congratulations, David!
>>>> I don't have a subscription anymore, but maybe I can get hold of a
>>>> copy.  Will the story then also appear in the Bulletin?
>>>> Jim
>>>> On 4 Aug 2007, at 08:36, etCM at hampshire.edu wrote:
>>>>> It's not yet online, but look for David's story in today's
>>>>> (Saturday) Gazette at
>>>>> gazettenet.com. Way to go, David!! Elaine
>>>>> p.s. -- David, if you don't get a copy of it somehow first, let me
>>>>> know and I'll
>>>>> send you one. ET

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