[Libri] Book-related events at Hampshire tonight and Thursday

der Geist, der stets verneint jwald at hampshire.edu
Mon Nov 17 11:14:55 EST 2003

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to call your attention to the following events:

€ the Dangerous Books film series continues with "Lolita" Thursday at 7:00
in Franklin Patterson Hall East Lecture Hall

€ TONIGHT (Monday):

Art Lecture: 
Painting / Text by Mira Schor

Mira Schor is a distinguished painter, feminist, writer, editor and teacher.
She is the author of Wet: On Painting, Feminism, and Art Culture, the
co-editor, with Susan Bee, of M/E/A/N/I/N/G: An Anthology of Artists?
Writings, Theory, and Criticism, as well as the recipient of a 1992
Guggenheim Fellowship in painting and the 1999 College Art Association?s
Frank Jewett Mather Award in Art Criticism. Mira also teaches in the MFA
Program in Painting and Sculpture in the Fine Arts Department of Parsons
School of Design in New York City.

Monday November 17th, 7pm
West Lecture Hall, Franklin Patterson Hall
Hampshire College

We apologize for the short notice in the latter case.

With best regards,

Jim Wald
(for the Hampshire College Center for the Book)

Hampshire College Map: http://www.hampshire.edu/cms_html/map.shtml


Hampshire College Center for the Book

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