Hey Hampshire Jews!<br><br>As one of my many occupations, I'm doing
some work for Rabbi Kevin trying to foster a new kind of relationship
between Hampshire (particularly the Hamp. Jewish community) and the
Yiddish Book Center. To that end, I'm hoping to gather a
representative group of Hampshire students to brainstorm together about
what types of opportunities/connections we could create.
<br><br>Essentially, I want to pick your brains, run some of my ideas
by you, and get some information about your experiences and suggestions
for change - so that I can take those ideas back to the people at the
Book Center when I meet with them. I'll also be relaying these ideas
back to Hampshire through Rabbi Kevin, Aaron Berman, and Ralph Hexter.
<br><br>If you have ever had any experience with the Book Center, if
you've always wanted to but never known how to get involved, if you
have some ideas about how we can better connect with the Book Center,
or if you fit none of the above but would simply like to help a recent
Hampshire grad brainstorm about this issue, please email me back with
some times on Wednesday or Thursday night that you might be available
for a short meeting! Based on that info, I'll put together a meeting
or two to accommodate all of our very busy schedules.
<br><br>There will be food - and good food at that! <br><br>Thanks in advance!<br><br>Debi