[Jewish] JSU Week of 11/2

Alyssa Coffey alc17 at hampshire.edu
Mon Nov 2 20:09:56 EST 2020

Hello JSU and happy Erev Election,

We've made the decision this week, in light of the election tomorrow, 
that our weekly meeting will be held instead on Thursday the 5th at 
6:15. Here is the link: 
We can use this meeting time to debrief the election events and have a 
friendly space to be together.

If you need to connect before then, please feel free to be in touch with 
either Ellen or myself. We are all here to support one another. Also, if 
you are inclined, do take advantage of the many community programs this 
week as advertised on the Daily Digest. Some are focused on the election 
and others are simply social.

One good opportunity: Ronit Ben-Shir, who is a director of the Early 
Learning Center, will be sharing her spiritual journey on Friday at 
12:30 on Zoom. You can sign up in advance if you would like to pick up a 
hot meal, this week the Spiritual Life Office is serving biryani. 
Spiritual Journey lunches are probably my favorite Hampshire events of 
all time -- it's rare to have students, staff, and faculty all in the 
same room for good conversation.

I'll be sending out a shabbat email later this week, but know for sure 
that we'll be meeting on Friday evening at 5:30, and at 6 for havdallah 
on Saturday evening.

Best wishes,

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